Monthly Archives: March 2014

Tabata Workout


The Method used two groups when it was first studied . In short, group one was assigned moderate-intensity exercises (such as jogging, skipping, swimming) at 70 percent of their maximum heart rate (220 – age – resting heart rate x 70 percent + resting heart rate) an hour a day, five days a week for a total of six weeks. The second group was assigned to train four days a week for a total of six weeks at a high intensity (170-percent: yes, 170 p90X3 results percent, which is 100-percent harder than the first group) each training day lasting four minutes total. There was a significant improvement in this training group’s aerobic system, more so than the other group, with a 28-percent increase. Anaerobic fitness also improved significantly.
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Boomer workout: Three ways to improve your mobility

By dancing to the same song with the same steps, choreographed by you specifically to restore atrophied ranges of motion in your body, the routine works like physical therapy.

Rest for a minute or two by slowly walking around, then repeat the 20-second routine. Work on memorizing all the steps. As you create your routine, remember that dancing doesnt always mean bouncing around. You can stand in one place and work some core muscles by turning your upper body first in one direction, then the other.
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Cute and useful workout gear for the spring

Easy strider 360

Easy Spirit offers a variety of footwear that’s perfect for light activity. The popular e360 collection offers comfort and affordability in one shoe. Add a pair to your spring workout wardrobe for under $80. Activity tracker The idea of wearing something to track your fitness activity in everyday life isnt new. Many gadgets are great for tracking steps or workouts but none compare to Nike+ FuelBand .
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